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Thursday 14 August 2014

How to Make a Gravel Driveway

I don't think I could do this but I am sure there are many of you out there that here's how

Gravel driveways provide curb appeal for well-landscaped homes. The look is appealing, and usually less expensive than concrete or asphalt driveways. It also lasts longer, up to about 60 years, whereas other driveways need to be re-paved or covered every 5 or 10 years. It is also environmentally friendly. Rain and snow is absorbed into the ground, underneath the gravel, preventing runoff and minimizing flooding risks. Make a gravel driveway to support cars and people, and enjoy the stylish look it can provide the entire home.


  1. Make a Gravel Driveway Step 1.jpg
    Determine the amount of gravel and material that will be needed. There are 3 different levels of gravel will be required. The base level forms a solid foundation, and requires a large, heavy stone. On top of that level goes aggregate material, that includes sand and dirt, which can be compacted onto the base level. The top level is the sifted gravel, including decorative stones and softer pebbles.
    • Measure the driveway to determine the square footage. Once the square footage is determined, you can calculate the amount of gravel that is needed. Use a gravel calculator, similar to those found online to determine the amount of cubic yards of gravel that will need to be purchased.
  2. Make a Gravel Driveway Step 2.jpg
    Purchase the gravel. Gravel material in the 3 different levels can be purchased from quarries, wholesale vendors, and specialty gravel companies. It can often be delivered to your home.
  3. Make a Gravel Driveway Step 3.jpg
    Level off the driveway. For a small area, use a shovel, a hoe and a rake to smooth the ground and level off the area in preparation of the gravel. For a larger driveway area, rent a backhoe or a tractor to excavate the land and make it level for the gravel.
  4. Make a Gravel Driveway Step 4.jpg
    Pour the gravel. When the materials arrive, fill the driveway with the base material, the middle filling and the crushed pebbles and gravel on top. Level out each layer before adding the next.
  5. Make a Gravel Driveway Step 5.jpg
    Stamp the stone. When the driveway has been poured, stamp the gravel to make it secure, and more uniform. Use a handstamper for the smaller driveways, and for a large driveway, rent a roller attachment for a tractor or a compactor.
  6. Make a Gravel Driveway Step 6.jpg
    Maintain the gravel driveway. Fix any potholes or dips that occur in the driveway, especially after heavy rains or snow. Continue to keep the stones compacted and the driveway level.
  7. Make a Gravel Driveway Intro.jpg



  • Prevent weeds from popping up through the stones by laying a landscaping fabric down under the scalping, if desired.
  • Add decorative edging to the driveway to provide a neater finish, and to keep gravel from spreading. This can be done with bricks, larger rocks or even bushes.
  • Use extra gravel where there is sloping, or holes in the surface.

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