Reducing My Flood Risk
Protecting your property is a key part of helping to reduce the impact of flooding on your home or business.
What can I do?
For details of the range of things that you can do to protect yourself see the National Flood Forum’s information booklet Ready for flooding. This includes advice on preparation for floods and flood recovery; it provides advice on insurance and can also help you to prepare your own individual flood plan.

Property Level Protection (PLP) measures can be categorized into the following two groups:
• Flood resistance measures, which can form a barrier against flood water, helping to keep it out of your home,
• Flood resilience measures, such as replacing carpets with waterproof tiling and raising electricity sockets in order to reduce the impact of any floodwater that does enter your property may have, as well as aiding the recovery process.
• Flood resilience measures, such as replacing carpets with waterproof tiling and raising electricity sockets in order to reduce the impact of any floodwater that does enter your property may have, as well as aiding the recovery process.
Each building, flood situation and person is unique, so it is very important to choose the right resistance/resilience measures to fit your circumstances. The Property Protection Advisor funded by Defra as part of their work to reduce the impact of flooding, provides an estimate of the costs of resistance measures for different types of home.
Navigate to “WHAT IS PLP?” using the side menu, for more information.
Used appropriately, PLP can help to provide you with peace of mind and is an important part of helping to protect your property. However, always seek professional advice before making alterations to your home. It is also important that flood products are properly maintained and checked regularly so they are ready to use when needed. A guide for householders on the process of helping to protect your property can be found at the Six Steps to Flood Resilience.

Defra has published the ‘20140519 – PLP Advice for Local Authorities‘ guide for Local Authorities. The JBA Consulting report is a resource for scheme promoters at Local Authorities and the Environment Agency, as well as for homeowners and community flood groups, to support the appraisal, planning, installation and monitoring of property-level protection (PLP) schemes. The guide presents good practice and examples of successful schemes to encourage wider uptake through communities taking similar effective action.”
You can record evidence that your PLP measures have been installed properly by completing an EA Flood Risk Report before, during and after the process. A BSI Kitemark has been developed for some flood protection products which offers a level of confidence through the knowledge that these products have undergone strict testing. Further information on flood protection can also be found at the Flood Protection Association.
The National Flood Forum publishes Blue Pages, a directory of products and services designed to help protect against flooding.
Use the side menu to launch the Property Protection Adviser and generate a report for your individual property or community as a whole. The report will identify the indicative cost of measures, as well as providing useful links to further information and advice.
Please note that any information that you provide will only be used to inform your report and will not be passed on to third party organizations.
See also